Avengers vs X-Men AvX #2 Review
I’m going to call this issue “Phoenix Rising” without giving away too many spoilers, I want to just speak up now and say, “You should be reading this series!” On the first few pages you see the teams numbers are a little more even now with Avengers sporting 16 heroes and X-Men bringing in a whopping 22 mutants. Look, AvX #2 is epic. I hate using that word, but there really isn’t any other way to describe it. In fact, the narrative in AvX #2 actually does a very good job describing the ongoing battles of epic proportions with lines like, “Windows shatter miles away”, to… “hear the punch all the way in Oakland,” and my favorite, “the most expensive punch in history.”
I can’t speak highly enough about how awesome every fight that breaks out is. I don’t know if I was supposed to find humor in some of them, but Wolverine catching a rogue ricochet Cyclops blast to the back of the head and Captain America’s shield flying into the side of Cyclops’ dome gave me a few chuckles. Yes, I like people getting hit in the head apparently. It’s not all Avengers vs X-Men though, there are some wild cards, and I’m not talking Wolverine, Beast, or Storm. I’m talking a brother sister duo that have thrown a monkey wrench in the Avengers and X-Men’s realities before.
Recently familiarizing myself with the “House of M” trade, my favorite moment had nothing to do with any of the battles that were exploding from the pages in front of me. It had to do with one woman by the name of Wanda getting up and turning off the television after watching the teams beat the living piss out of each other and leaving her diary open to the pages reading, “This is how the world ends.” I’m literally getting goosebumps just thinking about it.
This series is for real; it should be on your radar and you should be reading Avengers vs X-Men. I can’t stress it enough, it is an earth shattering event. Pick up Avengers vs X-Men #2 and many of the variants from Cosmic Comics! now and while you’re at it, if you haven’t picked up “Round 1” you should do so then also.
Read more from Burke at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics! today!
Anthony Garcia says
Totally agree AvX has been amazing so far and this is only the 2nd issue!!
Lee Michael Burns says
cap. came looking for a fight and can’t wait for uncanny x-men 11 to see colossus beat down rulk
Anthony Garcia says
Ikr?? Colossus hasnt even turned Juggernaut yet and he is still looking even with Red Hulk