Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015

Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015

Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015

The Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015 Edition

From Wednesday, September 9th to Tuesday, November 17th, each week we will select different letters of the alphabet and any back issue priced $5 or less whose title begins with those letters will only be ONE DOLLAR!!!

Find a Batman issue for $5, it is only a buck!  A Punisher issue priced at $3 is only a buck!  Snag a Wolverine issue…well, you get the idea.

Jim is constantly adding back issues to the tables, from Bronze Age titles to Modern Age titles.  If it has been awhile since you have gone through the long boxes, then bring in your checklists and take advantage of our Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015.

The sale will include all of the Table Back Issues (the ones in the long boxes in the middle of the store).  Excluded from the sale are any Premium Back Issues (the ones in the glass cabinets, wood cabinets, on the wall, and in the table magazine boxes).

Follow the sale on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

We are only running through the alphabet once, so don’t miss your chance to pick up the titles you want.

Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015 Schedule:

Week of Wed, Sept 9th – A
Week of Wed, Sept 16th – B, C
Week of Wed, Sept 23th – D, E, F
Week of Wed, Sept 30th – G, H, I
Week of Wed, Oct 7th – J, K, L
Week of Wed, Oct 14th – M, N, O, P
Week of Wed, Oct 21th – Q, R, S
Week of Wed, Oct 28th – T, U
Week of Wed, Nov 4th – V, W
Week of Wed, Nov 11th – X, Y, Z

Alphabet Back Issue Sale Fall 2015
Each week any back issue priced $5 or less who’s title begins with that week’s chosen letters will only be $1!

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