The Avengers vs X-Men Heroclix tournament series brings the Popular AvX comic story line to Cosmic Comics! Each player must choose sides and develop their team of either Avengers or X-Men over the four months of the series. Not only will you develop your own Avengers vs X-Men Heroclix team, you will also construct the Phoenix Force resource dial for participating in the AvX tournament.
Choose Humanity or Mutantkind
Month 1: Choosing Sides
December 14th, 2013
400pt Modern Age Extended
Declare if you are fighting for Avengers or X-Men
Min 200pts of your team has to have the declared keyword
Min 1 figure on your team has to come from the declared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
As part of month 1 of AvX you must purchase either an Avengers Starter or a X-Men Starter. You will build your team for tournament series based on which starter your choose.
Starter Contents
From WizKids:
Each Marvel HeroClix: AvX starter will include six figures, maps, the HeroClixPowers and Abilities Card and Core Rulebook – everything that players have come to expect from HeroClix starters. However, also included in each starter will be team specific action tokens and custom dice! Show your team pride each month when you play in your store’s AvX events with these fantastic elements!
Month 2: Black Panther & Danger
February 15th, 2014
500pt Modern Age
Marvel Universe game elements only
Returning players keep the same declared keyword
New players declare if you are fighting for Avengers or X-Men
Min 250pts of your team has to have the declared keyword
Min 1 figure on your team has to come from the declared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
The Power Plant & Phoenix Force (including the Month 2 Fragment) are the only Resources allowed
Entry Fee: Purchase any Heroclix product (from one GF to an entire Brick, anything qualifies)
Month 3: Professor X & Hope
March 8th, 2014
600pt Modern Age
Marvel Universe game elements only
Returning players keep the same declared keyword
New players declare if you are fighting for Avengers or X-Men
Min 300pts of your team has to have the declared keyword
The most expensive figure on your team has to come from the declared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
The Power Plant & Phoenix Force (including the Month 3 Fragment) are the only Resources allowed
Entry Fee: Purchase any Heroclix product (from one GF to an entire Brick, anything qualifies)
Month 4: Battle for Colossal Dark Phoenix Cyclops!
900pt Modern Age
Players must build a Theme Team with their declared keyword
The most expensive figure on your team has to come from the delcared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
Min 2 figures on your team have to come from the delcared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
Each team has to include a full Phoenix Force Resource Dial with all 5 Fragments
-A minimum of two Fragments must be assigned to characters
-Players will receive the Month 5 Fragment prior to the tournament
-If you do not have all the Fragments, still build with the full cost of the resource dial, you will receive the fragments you are missing for the tournament
Players must have attended a previous AvX event in order to participate in this tournament
Entry Fee: Purchase one Heroclix booster or equivalent
Phoenixbuster Iron Man Faction Event Points:
Overall Month Wins:
Avengers – 4
X-Men – 0
Month 1 Results:
Avengers – 62
X-Men – 58
Month 2 Results:
Avengers – 71
X-Men – 65
Month 3 Results:
Avengers – 60
X-Men – 43
Month 4 Results:
Avengers – 56
X-Men – 29
Avengers Faction:
Aaron – 38
Mike M. – 38
Jake – 34
Alex – 32
Tim – 31
Greg – 25
Kevin – 23
Julian – 14
Nate – 8
Nick – 7
Ed – 6
Nate W. – 5
X-Men Faction:
Joe – 30
Josh – 28
Kyle – 23
Curtis – 21
Mike A. – 18
David – 17
Kenny – 16
Austin – 11
Carl – 9
Dustin – 9
Mike H. – 7
Doug – 6
Seating Policy:
Players who attended the Month 1 or Month 2 events will have priority seating.
The 10 man roster for each faction has been filled out.
If attendance is over 20 players, those additional players will still be allowed to participate in the tournament.
They will not receive the Participation Prize.
Because of this their Entry Fee will be waived.
They will be eligible to win the LE Prizes & Door Prizes.
They will still declare an allegiance to a faction.
To keep the faction numbers even, be prepared to choose either faction.
Choosing order will go by who preregistered first.
Their records will count towards the factions Event Points.
For future AvX events, they will have standby seating to receive the faction Participation Prize if any of the 10 faction players do not attend.
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