Cosmic After Hours Presents:
Be the first to get your Superman and the Legion of Super Heroes Heroclix.
Get ready for the Superman and the Legion of Super Heroes Midnight release on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 starting 11:30pm until 4am. Stop by Cosmic Comics! for a Special 20% off Buy The Brick Sale only at the midnight release event! Make sure you register online on the Wizkids Event System to guarantee you receive your special objects for playing! Join the Facebook event for more updates and info about the midnight release and tournament! The set goes on sale at 12:01am.
Tournament Info
Two Booster Sealed Tournament. (Max 2 entries into the tournament per brick.)
Everyone who plays in the tournament gets prizes from the Superman & LoSH Heroclix OP Kit. There will be other Heroclix prizes up for grabs also.
Set Breakdown
This set will have 69 figures: 16 Commons, 16 Uncommons, 13 Rares, 11 Super Rares, 5 Chases, 4 Primes, and 4 Toyman Toy Drones (similar to the Batman set’s Flock of Bats). This set will have a Legion of Doom Fast Forces. Ten boosters to a brick in this set, as well as a 10 figure Gravity Feed.
Set Figures We Know So Far
OP Kits:
9 figures (3 copies of 3 figures), 30 objects (10 copies of 3 different objects), and 10 two-sided maps (24″x 36″). Confirmed in Game Trade Magazine: Toyman’s Toy (which appears to be a teddy bear). OP products include Mon-El, Mordru, and a Legion of Super Heroes flight ring. There is also a sculpt which has been shown for Mother Box.
Fast Forces:
The Legion of Doom Fast Forces set is designed for quick play and easy team-building. Each pack will contain figures as well as DLC for exclusive online content. Confirmed Fast Forces: Black Manta, Bizarro, Cheetah, Giganta, Lex Luthor, and Solomon Grundy.
Gravity Feed:
10 figures, flat rarity, this is due for release on January 29, 2014. Confirmed Gravity Feed Figures: Amethyst, Cosmic Boy, Dazamite, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Science Police, Shrinking Violet, Triplicate Girl, and Ultra Boy.
Known Figures:
Black Manta
Black Witch
Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva): Features on booster art, but unconfirmed. This art may be inaccurate; the sculpt for Cheetah in the Fast Forces pace is Priscilla Rich.
Cheetah (Priscilla Rich)
Cosmic Boy
Edward Nigma
Emerald Empress
Lex Luthor
Lightning Lad
Mon-El: Likely included based on sculpt details of the Mon-El Green Lantern LE
Mon-El (Green Lantern): Appears to be an LE
Mordru (LE)
Mr. Miracle
Phantom Girl
Saturn Girl
Science Police
Shrinking Violet
Solomon Grundy
Starman (Jack Knight)
Toyman: Toyman’s Drones are listed, so Toyman seems to be a given at this point
Toyman’s Drones: Teddy Bear (OP Kit), Airplane, Monkey and Racecar
Triplicate Girl
Ultra Boy
White Witch
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