Join Cosmic Comics @ Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest

Join Cosmic Comics @ Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest

Join Cosmic Comics @ Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest

Hang out with Cosmic Comics and bask in the coolness at Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest!

We’re welcoming November at Cosmic Comics with a menagerie of events; Starting with the Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest 2013!  And Cosmic wants to welcome all of you to the library to meet, mingle, and be merry with your awesome local comics community,

distinguished names, such as:
and special musical guests:
  • 3d6
  • Adam WarRock

After reading this real and oh-so-spectacular guest list, I know you must be saying to yourself “man, I need to be in the same place as all of these amazing people!”  Well, boys and girls – YOU CAN!  Meet Cosmic Comics at the CLARK COUNTY LIBRARY, while we celebrate the coming-together of creative minds in the comic community and the Las Vegas community.

The Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest takes place on Saturday, November 2nd, 2013.  The event starts at 9:30 AM and will go on throughout the day until 4:30 PM.  All day the Fest is putting on panels, workshops, tutorials, cosplay contests, discussions, portfolio reviews, artist alley, artist jam, a retailer marketplace, and live music and food trucks.  Look for us in the courtyard of the Clark County Library, Located at 1401 East Flamingo Road.

And the best part?  It’s completely FREE, and open to everyone!  This is a great event to experience with the kids, grandma, the dog – pack up the car and bring everyone :).  Enjoy a warm, sunny afternoon browsing through comics you remember reading as a kid, show them to your kids, and take your time inspecting and enjoying the cosplayers.

If you’re a geek like me, who can’t go a week without new comics, games, movies or fandom therapy – you’re in the right place.  You can find me on Tumblr you can always #getyourfix from me at work from Cosmic Comics!

2 thoughts on “Join Cosmic Comics @ Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest”

  1. Pingback: 2013 Vegas Valley Comic Book Festival Photos from Fat Beard Studios

  2. Pingback: Cosmic Comics @ Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest 2013: Recap

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