Batman, Captain America, Zombies

New Comics!

Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach

Before Watchmen, The Walking Dead, AvX, & more!

Before Watchmen is here!

Whatever your feelings are on DC Comics adding to the Watchmen story line, trust us when we say that you’ll want to read these new stories.

Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1, written and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (who did an awesome run on The Spirit) is the first Before Watchmen title to be released.

Before Watchmen, Minutemen, Nite owlTime will tell if these stories stand up to the original Watchman graphic novel, but there is no doubt they will be great stories that you don’t want to miss out on. (USA TODAY has a preview of the first issue.)

DC Comics also made a bombshell announcement this week that Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, is gay in the New 52. In this week’s Earth 2 Scott “comes out”, but according to James Robinson, writer of Earth 2, “He’s gay when we see him in issue two” and that there will not be a coming out moment. The events in Earth 2 are leading to the development of the Justice Society. For fans of the old JSA Earth 2 is a must read.

The Walking Dead, ZombiesThe Walking Dead volume 16 comes out collecting “A Larger World”, the final story line before  “Something to Fear” which concludes in the Massive 100th issue of The Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor, written by The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman, tells the story of the biggest villain in The Walking Dead and is available in soft cover (trade paperback) this week. The Governor will also be in Season 3 of The Walking Dead on AMC! Now is such a great time to be a fan of The Walking Dead.

Captain America, Phoenix, AvengersAvengers vs X-Men continues this week in an Epic lunar battle to end Act 1. The Phoenix is here! Is Hope lost? The events of Avengers vs X-Men #5 spill over into the pages of Avengers Academy and Uncanny X-Men this week.

Jim‘s picks of the Week: Bleeding Cool, Morning Glories, Sweet Tooth, Thief of Thieves

Brian’s picks of the Week: Dark Avengers, X-O Manowar, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Harbinger

Bulldog’s picks of the Week: Crossed Badlands, Fury MAX

Here are some reviews from Nerdfarm of titles that come out this week Worlds Finest, Dial H, and Fairest.

For new comics, back issues, reviews, and more… #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics!

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