I’m not spoiling anything for you here, Nightcrawler is still dead, and by the wraparound cover you can see he’s clearly swashbuckling.
Amazing X-Men has its first five part series starring everyone’s favorite blue teleporting demon guy, Nightcrawler. I know he’s been my favorite blue teleporting demon guy since the X-Men Arcade game. How could you not want to use a character who literally annihilates the entire screen, I wouldn’t because I use Dazzler, but that’s not the point. To further Nightcrawlers baller status he leaves behind the words “BAMF” every time he teleports, which everyone knows is the abbreviation of Bad Ass Mother Effer (cleaned up by the editor of course, but you get the idea). So, have we cleared up why it’s a good thing to have Nightcrawler in an X-Men book? Good, moving along.
Well, not so fast, lets keep this about me here, I like funny books, lighthearted books if you will, like Hawkeye for example is naturally a book I enjoy, and Jason Aaron hits the sweet spot of good action and comedic value in Amazing X-Men. Like I just hit the jackpot at the $3.99 store (the book is $3.99 stay with me here). Those three of you who have previously read my past reviews, you’ll also recognize that I enjoyed Ed McGuinness’es work in Nova, and his clean majestic pencils flow right onto these pages as well.
Verdict: Fun story, beautiful pencils, swashbuckling, and BAMF. Looks like a winner here to me.
You can read more reviews from Burke over at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to pick up the all new Amazing X-Men from Cosmic Comics! today!
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