2016 Free Comic Book Day Photos

2016 Free Comic Book Day Photos

Photos from the 2016 Free Comic Book Day
2016 Free Comic Book Day Photos

The 2016 Free Comic Book Day event on May 7, 2016 was the 15 year celebration of the worldwide event during our 20 years of business in Las Vegas, so you know we had to outdo the previous years’ events. We gave away over 10,000 comic books of over 40 different 2016 Free Comic Book Day titles. We had FREE Lego prizes, face painting, and more for all of the kids in attendance as well as hourly Silver Age Comic Grab Bag raffles and the MEGA RAFFLE for Batman Adventures #12 (Harley Quinn’s first comic book appearance).

We would like to thank everyone who came out and made the 2016 Free Comic Book Day celebration at Cosmic Comics so much fun! The line outside before we opened set the stage for the rest of the day as we stayed busy until the doors closed. Congratulations to all of our prize winners throughout the day and especially to the Mega Raffle winner of Batman Adventures #12.

2016 Free Comic Book Day Photos

Enjoy these 2016 Free Comic Book Day photos taken for Cosmic Comics by Fat Beard LLC. Feel free to download and share them. Enjoy.

Thanks again for coming out and we hope that everyone had a great time. FCBD 2016 was everything we hoped it would be and more. We hope you feel the same. Remember, you have our permission to download and share these photos, so please feel free to do so. Be sure to check our website and Twitter often to stay up-to-date on our latest happenings in and around Vegas.

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