End of the World Blow-out Sale!
As we all know the Mayan Calendar is counting down to doom. Since the world is going to end we figure why not go out in style.
The hour is upon us. This Friday at the stroke of solstice (4:12 a.m. Mountain Standard Time), the Maya Long Count calendar will click over to read “,” (pronounced “thirteen b’aktun”) for the first time in 5,125 years.
The event has captured the world’s curiosity and imagination, and this week, all eyes are on Mesoamerica: i.e. southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and parts of Honduras and El Salvador. read more here
SALE 12-21-12

25%OFF Graphic Novels and Collections
30%OFF the Largest Selection of Back Issues in the City! Comics from the Golden Age of Comics to the Modern Age (1940 – current).

75%OFF Clearance Graphic Novels
20%OFF T-Shirts, Novelties and Everything Else in the Store!
If we are still here for the weekend the sale will continue!!!
New comics not included. See associate for details.