The first person to Answer these questions on either twitter or facebookWin Passes to the Screening of The Amazing Spider-Man at Brenden Theatres Monday at 7pm.
Who other than Spider-Man is on the cover of the first Amazing Spider-Man?
Who was the original artist for what would become Amazing Spider-Man?
Answer one of these question correctly and quickly on facebook or twitter and you will get a message with all the info for your pass. Remember to mention us or post on our page so we can see it!
Hello true believers! Whilst perusing the interwebs for some Spidey goodness, I came across the following interviews from Clevver Movies and thought I'd share them all with you here in one place. Enjoy. Andrew Garfield httpvh:// Video Description: Andrew Garfield talks about his character "Peter Parker" and how the disappearance of Peter's parents plays…
See The Amazing Spider-Man Early! We have passes to an Advanced Screening of The Amazing Spider-Man! We will be giving them away on Facebook, Twitter and at Cosmic Comics. Stay tuned! The Advanced Screening is for Monday July 2nd at 7pm at Brenden Theatres and IMAX. The Amazing Spider-Man plot summary from Columbia…
Get the latest look at Andrew Garfield in action as your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man in this second trailer for "The Amazing Spider-Man" which hits theaters July 3, 2012! httpvh:// Visit the official site at Related articles 'The Amazing Spider-Man' Interviews( The Amazing Spider-Man 4 Minute Super Preview( For those of…
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