April 2014 Heroclix Tournament Schedule
4/5: Battle for the Power Plant
TWO Power Plants with Disintegration Beam Rings will be handed out!
400pt Modern Age
No Resources
No Duo Figures
The most expensive figure on your force has to be named Iron Man or Real Name Tony Stark
Only one Iron Man/Tony Stark character is allowed per force
Iron Man/Tony Stark characters can be from Golden Age sets
For variety’s sake, Silver Centurion & Iron Pharoh are not allowed for this tournament
All Iron Man/Tony Stark characters gain the following trait:
Morph: Jarivs I need a suit!: Give this character a free action and replace him with any character with this trait on the same click number. The replacement figure cannot be more points than the initial character than began on your force with this trait.
Entry Fee: Purchase 1 Gravity Feed booster
4/12: AvX Month 4
900pt Modern Age
Players must build a Theme Team with their declared keyword
The most expensive figure on your team has to come from the delcared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
Min 2 figures on your team have to come from the delcared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
Each team has to include a full Phoenix Force Resource Dial with all 5 Fragments
-A minimum of two Fragments must be assigned to characters
-Players will receive the Month 5 Fragment prior to the tournament
-If you do not have all the Fragments, still build with the full cost of the resource dial, you will receive the fragments you are missing for the tournament
Players must have attended a previous AvX event in order to participate in this tournament
Entry Fee: Purchase one Heroclix booster or equivalent
4/19: WonderCon
No Tournament Scheduled
4/26: Rising Stars Concert & Festival
No Tournament Scheduled
For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: www.wizkidseventsystem.com