August 2014 Heroclix Tournament Schedule
8/2: Guardians of the Galaxy Block
You can only use figures & game elements from the following sets:
GotG Movie
Galatic Guardians
Infinity Gauntlet OP Series (No Resource)
Star Trek Tactics
8/9: Break the Rules: Relics
Break the Rules: You can play multiple Relics
400pt Modern Age Extended
Silver Age Relics allowed
At the beginning of the game, you must assign three different Relics that do not have a corresponding Resource side to three different figures on your force by paying the point cost. This does not count towards your object total.
8/12 (Tues 11:30pm): Guardians of the Galaxy Midnight Release Event
8/16: SummerSlam
Players will make a 5 man team with each wrestler representing a different weight class. Teams will battle it out under the bright lights of the Main Event to see who will emerge victorious at SummerSlam!
Build Format:
600pt Silver Age
Players must build teams consisting of 5 and only 5 characters, each one representing the weight class described below
No Resources
No Horde Stacks or Respawning
No Vehicles
No Duo Figures
No Team Bases
No Entities
Weight Classes:
Point value between 175-200pts
Printed damage value of 4 or greater on 1st click
Point value between 125-150pts
Printed zero range value
Must be able to use Super Strength on 1st click
The only character who can pickup and hold objects
Point value between 100-125pts
Point value between 50-75pts
Point value between 0-50pts
Must be a female character
Cannot have the Mystical keyword
Ring Manager:
Each team will be assigned a Penguin Resource Dial at no additional cost
Rule Change: When a 1 is rolled, instead of removing Penguin from the game, deal the chosen character 1 unavoidable damage
Teams can still be assigned Special Objects
SummerSlam BFC:
If a character KOs an opposing character in the same weight class, score additional victory points equal to the KOed character’s point value.
This BFC is in effect for all matches
8/23: 500pt Guardians of the Galaxy Floor
Both the comic set & movie set count towards the Floor requirement
8/30: Multiplayer Madness
Multiplayer Games with 3-4 players per map
600pt Golden Age
No Tactics except Theme Teams & elements generated by a figure (ie Emerald Empress)
For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: