Announcing the Black Friday 2013 Sales! Everything in the store on sale!
Free Boxes of a Hundred Comics*!!!
Get your coffee ready and make your plans for an awesome Black Friday 2013! This is the biggest yet and a great time to find gifts or shop for yourself. Cosmic Comics has the LARGEST selection of Back Issues and Graphic Novels in Las Vegas! This is a great way to kick of the Holidays and to make it worth your morning we’ll be giving-away a 1,000 plus comics to the first few Customers* that make a purchase.

OVER 50,000 Back Issues from the 1950’s to Present up to 50% OFF**!
OVER 20,000 Graphic Novels and Books from 30% to 80% OFF**!
30% OFF T-Shirts**!
30 % OFF Action Figures**!
30% OFF Lamps**!

30% OFF Heroclix**!
30% OFF Boardgames**!
30% OFF Statues**!
30% OFF Toys & More**!
30% OFF High Grade Comics**!
50% OFF Sets & Variants**!
50% OFF Bronze & Modern Back Issues plus 10 & 25 Cent Comics**!
PLUS! Don’t miss our door-busters – we’ll be giving out 1000 + Comics to our first customers*!
*Free Box of 100 Comics with purchase while supplies last
**All Special subject to availability and subject to change without notice please ask an associate for details
This is a great comic shop very friendly and helpful and I’m looking forward to there black Friday sale and their Fear Itself month 6.
I love this store, I go to every event I possibly can. The staff is great and makes you want to come back again and again.
Great deals!
Can you elaborate on:
“*Free Box of 100 Comics with purchase while supplies last ”
Is there a minimum purchase amount?
Is that if you purchase a specific item or items?
Thank you and see you Friday!
Pingback: Cosmic Comics! Says: Thank You For a Record Breaking Black Friday