The Wolverine Movie Hugh Jackman returns for The Wolverine This is the first official picture for the up coming "The Wolverine" motion picture. The Wolverine Movie Synopsis: In modern day Japan, Wolverine is out of his depth in an unknown world as he faces his ultimate nemesis in a life-or-death battle that will leave him forever changed. Vulnerable for the first time … [Read more...]
Dark Knight Rises Review
A Grand Finale: A Review of The Dark Knight Rises Historically, the third installment of a comic book inspired movie series falls agonizingly short. Superman III, Batman Forever, X-Men: The Last Stand, and Spider-Man 3 all momentously paled in comparison to the previous movies in their respective series. Fans of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight have had these previous … [Read more...]
The Dark Knight Rises is 1 Week Away The epic end to the Dark Knight Trilogy is right around the corner. We have already told you why you should see the 15/70 Film IMAX version of the film at Brenden Theatres but now there is a new reason to see it in IMAX. The 12:01 IMAX Poster is here and its worthy of your admiration. What we do know so far about the film is the … [Read more...]
The Amazing Spider-Man Behind the Scenes Featurettes
Here are some cool The Amazing Spider-Man Behind the Scenes Clips I've found from my late night YouTubing. Hope you enjoy them. The Amazing Spider-Man Behind the Scenes Featurette httpvh:// Video Description: The Amazing Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker (Garfield), an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his … [Read more...]
The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX!
The Dark Knight Rises how it was meant to be seen! You may have heard in a few weeks a little movie is coming out called The Dark Knight Rises. It will be the final chapter in the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy. What you may not know is only a select number of theaters will be playing it how Nolan wants it to be seen. Brenden Theatres at the Palms is one of those theaters. … [Read more...]
The Amazing Spider-Man Screening
See The Amazing Spider-Man Early! We have passes to an Advanced Screening of The Amazing Spider-Man! We will be giving them away on Facebook, Twitter and at Cosmic Comics. Stay tuned! The Advanced Screening is for Monday July 2nd at 7pm at Brenden Theatres and IMAX. The Amazing Spider-Man plot summary from Columbia Pictures Peter Parker (Garfield) is an outcast high … [Read more...]
‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Interviews
Hello true believers! Whilst perusing the interwebs for some Spidey goodness, I came across the following interviews from Clevver Movies and thought I'd share them all with you here in one place. Enjoy. Andrew Garfield httpvh:// Video Description: Andrew Garfield talks about his character "Peter Parker" and how the … [Read more...]