CBLDF Fundraiser Signing with Gilbert Hernandez & LFDF Artists

CBLDF Fundraiser Signing with Gilbert Hernandez & LFDF Artists

CBLDF Fundraiser Signing w/
Gilbert Hernandez
& LFDF Artists
Friday, Sept 19th, Noon-4pm

Cosmic Comics, local artist & writer Gilbert Hernandez, and local artists Free IsabeloJeremy Lassner, & Ismael Samayoa are teaming up to help raise donations for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

There will be a limited number of HARBINGER #25 SDCC Liberty Variants available.  With a $10 donation to the CBLDF you will receive a copy autographed by Gilbert Hernandez.

Gilbert’s new book, BUMPERHEAD will be available and he will be signing purchased copies.

The artists from LFDF Comics will be on hand providing sketchs for donations to the CBLDF.

Cosmic Comics has also pledged to match the total amount raised by today’s events and double the donation to the CBLDF!

Valiant Press Release for HARBINGER #25 SDCC Liberty Variant:

CBLDF Fundraiser Signing

BUMPERHEAD Description:
Love and Rockets cartoonist Gilbert Hernandez returns with Bumperhead, a companion book to Marble Season. Gilbert’s new book follows Bobby, a young slacker who narrates his life as it happens but offers very little reflection on the events that transpire. Bobby lives in the moment exclusively, and is incapable of seeing the world outside of his experiences. He comes of age in the 1970s, making a rapid progression through that era’s different subcultures; in a short period of time he segues from a stoner glam-rocker to a drunk rocker to a speed-freak punk. He drifts in and out of relationships with friends, both male and female. Life zooms past him. Hernandez’s approach captures the numbness and raw undirected anger and passion of a young man; a young man who waits for life to happen to him, not noticing all the while that it’s happening.

CBLDF Fundraiser Signing

CBLDF Fundraiser Signing

2 thoughts on “CBLDF Fundraiser Signing with Gilbert Hernandez & LFDF Artists”

  1. Pingback: Gilbert Hernandez Signing Friday at Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas! | Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

  2. Pingback: 20XX. Powers Are A Disease. - Cosmic Comics! - Las Vegas, NV

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