Cosmic Comics Behind the Counter: Black Friday 2013

Not only will November 29th mark the sleepiest food-coma, busiest shopping day of the year; I will be celebrating a whole year at Cosmic Comics!  Black Friday, Here we come!

Everybody has their opinions about the Holiday Season, and that definitely includes me.  Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Last-Minute-Christmas-Eve-Eve shoppers – I know them all.  I’m definitely a Cyber Monday girl, being smooshed in a brick-and-mortar store with god-knows how many other raving adult human beings acting like cave-men just isn’t really my cup of tea.  In fact, I’d much rather enjoy my cup of Wizard’s Grey artisan tea on the comfort of my couch, clicking away that last paycheck in my pajamas.  That isn’t to say that I wouldn’t absolutely stand in line for hours if it meant the perfect gift – I’m not a Grinch, and my heart is easily within normal human ranges!

Black Friday 2013 Grinch
See, It’s right here ↑↑↑.

All this being said, I really do enjoy Black Friday.  First and foremost, this Black Friday celebrates my first whole year at Cosmic Comics!  I’m not sure how, exactly, I ended up committing to showing up to work for the first time the day after Thanksgiving – some extra crazy must have kicked in.  After experiencing the Worst. Thanksgiving. Ever.  (stuck in bed, recovering from oral surgery, no food all day) – I popped into our favorite comic shop for my first day on the job.  Who knew that what I would experience that Friday would be indicative of so much?

If dear Natalie was to be believed, I had never looked so dazed and scared in my life.  She was probably definitely right.  People zooming in and out, the store becoming more disheveled as the day went on, and, of course, Jim’s smiling face greeting everyone to come through the door.

Thinking back to that first Black Friday, it occurs to me just how much the following year followed the same crazy, busy, and ultimately rewarding pattern.  Mornings will always be hectic, no one will ever be finished fixing-up the displays, you can always count on Jim for some creative (and usually entertaining) words of wisdom, people are constantly filtering in and out – but most of them aren’t strangers anymore :), and at the end of the day, I always feel that there is something rewarding about my job.

And that is where I begin to like Black Friday.  I’m being 100% serious when I say that my favorite part of my job is giving people coupons and discounts.  I love seeing the happy and satisfied looks on customers’ faces when they finally get that one thing that they’ve been wanting for ages.  And Sale Days are my favorite – even Andrew Carnegie loved a bargain!  From behind the counter, it’s so gratifying to put my best foot forward for you guys and fill up your Holidays (and every day) with everything your nerd-heart desires.  Whether that’s a Marvel Masterwork, a POP Vinyl Figure, or even just a spirited chat – I’m in.

So, let’s cut to the chase – I want to see all  your wonderful faces this Black Friday.  I want to shower you in sales, and chat about the gifts you’re buying.  I know I’m doing my job if you guys have me running around Cosmic like a crazy person :).

And maybe you guys could wish me some Grinch-esque strength-of-ten-men?  Lord knows I’m going to need it to bring out the backstock.
Black Friday 2013 Backstock


If you’re a geek like me, who can’t go a week without new comics, games, movies or fandom therapy – you’re in the right place.  You can find me on Tumblr you can always #getyourfix from me at work from Cosmic Comics!

2 thoughts on “Cosmic Comics Behind the Counter: Black Friday 2013”

  1. Pingback: Cosmic Comics! Holiday Traditions: Christmas Pajamas

  2. Pingback: Cosmic Comics! Says: Thank You For a Record Breaking Black Friday

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