Cosmic After Hours Presents: The Royal Rumble 2015 Heroclix Tournament

Cosmic After Hours Presents: The Royal Rumble 2015 Heroclix Tournament

Cosmic After Hours Presents: The Royal Rumble 2015 Heroclix Tournament

Saturday, January 24 starting at 8pm the Road to Wrestlemania begins with the annual Las Vegas Royal Rumble 2015 Heroclix tournament!

All players enter the map one at a time Royal Rumble style until all have entered. It’s every man for himself and we play until there is one left standing and he is declared the winner of the Royal Rumble.

Players will select one figure that is a single base, non-duo, maximum 400pts, from any Golden Age set. Each entrant will be unique, so players should bring about 6 different options to choose from.

Full Scenario Details
Figure Selection:
Maximum 400pts
Golden Age
Single Base
Each entrant is unique.
Players will choose their entrant beforehand based on their entry order.
The entry order will be determined before the start of the match.

Entrant Order:
A new entrant will enter after every two rounds.
Turns: 1,3,5,7…

Turn Order:
For a given turn, players will act in reverse entry order. The most recent player to enter will act first for the turn, down to the first entrant acting last.

First Two Entrants:
A player may place his figure in any square within the ring.
Turn 1: Both players will act simultaneously and resolve their actions at the same time.
Turn 2: 2nd entrant acts first. 1st entrant acts last.

Wrestling Map:
Entrance Area: N12-P13
Legal Area: C8-M17 – the borders are considered Walls
Ring: Elevation 2
Corner Posts: E9, L9, E16, L16 – Elevation 3
Spanish Announcer’s Table: D11-D14
All figures have Improved Movement: Ignores Elevated Terrain

Objects from under the Ring:
Once per turn for all characters; if a figure is adjacent to the ring, it may be given a Free Action to get an object from underneath the ring. The figure can use Super Strength, but only to hold this object.

There are 6 total objects for the game. The player will roll a d6 and receive a random object. All objects are standard and indestructible.

Corner Posts:
When a figure occupies a Corner Post it receives:
+2 Speed, +2 Damage, -2 Attack, -2 Defense
Can use Charge with Improved Movement: All, but can only make 1 attack when using Charge.

Spanish Announcer’s Table:
If a figure occupy’s the table, give it a Power Action to make an attack against any figure within 3 squares and LoF. If the attack succeeds, place the target adjacent to this figure and occupying the table. This figure may then be given any action as a Free Action to attack the same target once. This figure cannot be moved or placed during this action.

Any figure occupying the table that is the target of a close combat attack, cannot use Shape Change or Super Senses. If a close combat attack is successful, the target is dealt 2 Unavoidable Damage and is assigned up to two action tokens (this does not cause Pushing Damage). Other figures occupying the table are assigned one action token (this does not cause Pushing Damage). After a successful close combat attack, the table is destroyed for the remainder of the game.

Hardcore Wrestlers:
Hardcore Keywords:
Animal, Brute, Monster, Warrior
When a Hardcore Wrestler enters the match, that player can place an object anywhere on the map, including their figure holding it.
All objects are standard and indestructible.

Mick Foley/Cactus Jack/Dude Love Clause:
When a player choose a character that has multiple identities, if one figure is eliminated, there is a chance that player can reenter the Rumble under a different identity.
Ex: James Rhodes – War Machine & Iron Patriot

Nexus & CM Punk Rule:
If several players team-up and create a formation that imbalances the scenario, there will be a special “judge run-in” to break the formation.

1 thought on “Cosmic After Hours Presents: The Royal Rumble 2015 Heroclix Tournament”

  1. Pingback: January 2015 HeroClix Tournament Schedule at Cosmic - Cosmic Comics!

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