Dark Knight Rises Ultimate Trivia Challenge

Dark Knight Rises Trivia is here!

Batman, Bane, DArk Knight Rises
See in True IMAX at Brenden Theatres

Today starting at 12 Noon trivia question will pop up on twitter, facebook and our website. Your challenge is to find the correct answer and be the first person to tell us that answer at the store. If you can do that you will win 2 passes to see The Dark Knight Rises before anyone else in Las Vegas. You will also have the chance to win Dark Knight Tumbler Tour T-Shirts and a chance to win tickets to Batman Live or the Las Vegas Comic Expo.

Do remember this is the largest Batman movie ever! There is over an hour of IMAX footage. This is the EPIC Battle! Batman vs Bane!

The Dark Knight Rises Synopsis

Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ The Dark Knight Rises is the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was crushed under the weight of the anti-crime Dent Act. But everything will change with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Far more dangerous, however, is the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist whose ruthless plans for Gotham drive Bruce out of his self-imposed exile. But even if he dons the cape and cowl again, Batman may be no match for Bane.

Batman Live

Faithfully adapted from the DC Comics’ characters and stories, BATMAN LIVE focuses on Robin’s quest for justice, which leads him to follow in the footsteps of his hero, the mysterious vigilante known as the Batman – much to the dismay of his protective guardian, millionaire Bruce Wayne – who secretly happens to be Batman.

This dynamic triangle resolves itself in a non-stop thrill-ride across Gotham City that transforms Bruce Wayneand Dick Grayson into the legendary crime-fighters Batman and Robin and transports the audience from the Big Top of Haly’s Circus to the lower depths of Arkham Asylum – from the glittering peaks of the The Penguin’sIceberg Lounge to the subterranean wonders that await inside the Batcave, which features a revolutionary, all-new Batmobile designed exclusively for BATMAN LIVE by Professor Gordon Murray.


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