February 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule, March 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule, April 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule

December 2013 HeroClix Tournament Schedule

Tournament Schedule for December

12/7: Majestix 1K – No Tournament Scheduled


12/14: AvX Month 1

Avengers vs X Men Heroclx, Heroclix Starter
Choose Humanity or Mutantkind

400pt Modern Age Extended

Declare if you are fighting for Avengers or X-Men

Min 200pts of your team has to have the declared keyword

Min 1 figure on your team has to come from the declared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter


12/21: Clix 101: Special Objects

400pt Modern Age Extended

Your force must contain one Light, one Heavy, & one Immobile Special Object with a point value greater than zero

Silver Age Objects are allowed & can be Print ‘n Played

Gamma Bomb & Bat Signal are not allowed for this event


12/28: Substitution Scenario

500pt Modern Age Extended

If a figure is KOed, it cannot be used for the remainder of the tournament. You replace that figure with other figures from your collection for the next round.
For example, if OotS Bats is KOed round 1, you can’t use him for rounds 2 or 3. For round 2 you have to add 75pts to the remainder of your force using new and different figures. Say 1st Class Cyclops (50pts) & Lightspeed (25pts).
When a figure starts a round on your team and is replaced:
If the replaced figure is not KOed, the original figure begins the game on your force at the start of the next round
If the replaced figure is KOed, both the original figure and the replacement figure cannot be used for the remainder of the tournament
Highlander rule in effect, even for generics
No Tactics
No Team Bases

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