Fantagraphics Signing with Simon Hanselmann, Michael DeForge, & Patrick Kyle

Fantagraphics & Koyama Press Signing with Simon Hanselmann, Michael DeForge, & Patrick Kyle

Fantagraphics & Koyama Press Signing:
Simon Hanselmann, Michael DeForge and Patrick Kyle on Tour
Saturday, October 4th Noon – 4pm

One of the world’s best cartoonists is joining forces at Cosmic Comics with some of the world’s best cartoonists from the internet this Saturday, October 4th from Noon-4pm.  Australian cartoonist Simon Hanselmann and Canadians Michael DeForge and Patrick Kyle will be uncapping their pens and stretching their signing muscles alongside 30 year comics veteran Gilbert Hernandez of Love and Rockets.  Gilbert’s newest collection, Luba and Her Family, follows the matriarch as she moves her family north to the U.S. when Palomar gets leveled by an earthquake.

Nearing the end of their world tour, Simon is celebrating the release of his ‘stoner tragedy’ Megahex, made popular on his Girl Mountain Tumblr, now available in a sexy hardback from Fantagraphics.  Poverty, misanthropy, depression all fogged up in substance abuse grace these watercolored pages but you’ll still be rolling in tears laughing so hard by the end of it.

Meanwhile, Michael DeForge is continuing his long line of one-person short story anthologies, Lose #6 (first published online 5 years ago) out from Koyama Press.  Often hailed as the next Daniel Clowes, DeForge is a prolific cartoonist with only more great ink to flow from his pen.

Also from the Toronto-based publisher, illustrator and cartoonist Patrick Kyle is signing his newest comic, Distance Mover, a collection of sci-fi stories featuring the improbable vehicle of the same name that moves a Mr. Earth across the world.

Megahex Description:
Megg is a depressed, drug-addicted witch. Mogg is her black cat. Their friend, Owl, is an anthropomorphized owl. They hang out a lot with Werewolf Jones. This may sound like a pure stoner comedy, but it transcends the genre: these characters struggle unsuccessfully to come to grips with their depression, drug use, sexuality, poverty, lack of work, lack of ambition, and their complex feelings about each other in ways that have made Megg and Mogg sensations on Hanselmann’s Girl Mountain Tumblr. This is the first collection of Hanselmann’s work, freed from its cumbersome Internet prison, and sure to be one of the most talked about graphic novels of 2014, featuring all of the “classic” Megg and Mogg episodes from the past five years as well as over 70 pages of all-new material.

Fantagraphics Signing with Simon Hanselmann, Michael DeForge, & Patrick Kyle

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