New Amazing Spider-Man Heroclix Release!
New Marvel Heroclix the Amazing Spider-Man will be released February 6th at 12am. We will have a special “Buy the Brick” Price saving you 20% on your boosters. This will be the first Heroclix series withe the new WILD DIALS feature.
All three versions of the wall crawler come into play at 100 points and have the Spider-Man Ally team ability, which makes them Wildcards. Each version of Spider-Man #001 also possess the Morph: Changing Frequencies trait which reads: Give Spider-Man a move action or a close combat action. After actions resolve, you may replace him with any other character with this trait or the Morph: Identity Crisis trait on the same click number. But wait, there’s more(!) to Morph: Changing Frequencies: If an opposing character took damage during that action, you may instead deal Spider-Man 1 unavoidable damage and then replace him with a character with the Morph: Spider Armor trait on the same click number.
This gives you a little hint of what you will see in this new series you can loo at all of Wizkids Preview for the new Amazing Spider-Man Heroclix Here.
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