February 2014 Heroclix Tournament Schedule
2/1: LvLUP Expo
No Tournament Scheduled
2/8: Fresno ROC Super Q Feeder
300pt Modern Age
No Tactics
Themed Team mechanics allowed
NOTE: The House Highlander Rule is off for this tournament.
NOTE: There are house rulings for Silver Centurion. See the event thread in the ROC forums for full details.
Entry Fee: $10
Any entry fees collected above the cost of the prize kit & Super Q entry fee will be funneled back to the players. Either as store credit prizing, purchasing product for a prize draft, or some other similar method.
2/15: AvX Month 2
500pt Modern Age
Marvel Universe game elements only
Returning players keep the same declared keyword
New players declare if you are fighting for Avengers or X-Men
Min 250pts of your team has to have the declared keyword
Min 1 figure on your team has to come from the declared keyword’s corresponding AvX Starter
The Power Plant & Phoenix Force (including the Month 3 Fragment) are the only Resources allowed
Entry Fee: Purchase any Heroclix product (from one GF to an entire Brick, anything qualifies)
Seating Policy
2/22: Clix 101: Wild Cards
600pt Modern Age Extended
The two most expensive figures on your team must be Wild Cards
Your team must include five copiable Team Abilities or ATAs
-2 Offensive TAs (ones used when attacking ie Batman Enemy or Ultimate X-Men)
-2 Defensive TAs (ones used when it is not your turn ie Suicide Squad or Skrulls)
-1 Other TA (ie X-Men)
Mystics (or other similarly worded) TA is not allowed for this tournament
2/25 (Tues 11:45pm): Cosmic After Hours Presents: Superman & LoSH Midnight Release Event
Facebook Event Page
For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: www.wizkidseventsystem.com