Infinity Gauntlet Month 5 Results

HeroClix Infinity Gauntlet Month 5 Results

HeroClix Infinity Gauntlet Cosmic Comics

Infinity Gauntlet Month 5 Results

On Saturday, May 12th, 2012 the shop had its monthly Infinity Gauntlet HeroClix Tournament. Here are the results of the tournament.

Round 1:

Infinity Gauntlet, HeroClix, Cosmic ComicsAaron vs. Austin

Winner: Austin

Dustin vs. Carl

Winner: Dustin

Pasky vs. Tim

Winner: Tim

Freddie vs. Nate

Winner: Freddie

Ed vs. Lupe

Winner: Lupe

Round 2:

Infinity Gauntlet, HeroClix, Cosmic ComicsAustin vs. Lupe

Winner: Austin

Dustin vs. Freddie

Winner: Dustin

Mike vs. Tim

Winner: Tim

Nate vs. Pasky

Winner: Pasky

Carl vs. Ed

Winner: Ed

Round 3

Infinity Gauntlet, Cosmic Comics, HeroClixDustin vs. Austin

Winner: Dustin

Pasky vs. ed

Winner: Pasky

Aaron vs. Mike

Winner: Mike

Freddie vs. Lupe

Winner: Lupe

Nate vs. Carl

Winner: Carl

Round 4

HeroClix, Infinity Gauntlet, Cosmic ComicsDustin vs. Pasky

Winner: Dustin

Austin vs. Mike

Winner: Austin

Freddie vs. Ed

Winner: Freddie

Lupe vs. Carl

Winner: Lupe

Nate vs. Aaron

Winner: Aaron

The winners of this tournament are:

Infinity Gauntlet, Cosmic Comics, HeroClix

Dustin Hall (pictured above left) took first place and Austin Miller (pictured above right) came in second!

Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who came out!

Be sure #getyourfix for HeroClix at Cosmic Comics! in Las Vegas!

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