Infinity Gauntlet Month 4

Infinity Gauntlet Month 4 is Here!

Marvel, Heroclix, Infinity Gauntlet, Cosmic Comics

Infinity Gauntlet Month 4

Battle for the Gardener

The Infinity Gauntlet Series – Month 4

Saturday, April 21st from Noon to 5pm

Here are all the details you need to Build Your Team

Marvel vs DC

  • 500pt Silver Age
  • Players must build a team that is composed of all Marvel figures or all DC figures
  • Figures with HSS are not allowed
  • Transporters are allowed
  • Objects are universe specific
  • The Infinity Guantlet Resource Dial can be used on both Marvel & DC teams


  • In addition to the normal prize distribution (1st, 2nd, & Door) there will be two Special Fellowship Prizes handed out:
    1. The Marvel team that has the most wins & victory points against DC teams.
    2. The DC team that has the most wins & victory points against Marvel teams.
  • First place prize is The Gardner LE
  • Top 3 entered to win Avengers #1
  • Every player who attends will receive an Time Gem Special Object
  • Door Prizes including comics and other store swag
  • Free figures from the Figure Bounty box
*There is a ONE booster (or equivalent) entry fee.

Registration & Rules

Pre-register for the tournament at to ensure receiving the Time Gem Special Object the day of the tournament and be eligable to receive the Tamarata/The Garden map. Accurate head count needed to have enough objects on hand the day of and there are limited maps available.

This is your fourth chance to earn points to qualify for the Thanos tournament that caps the IG events. In addition to qualifing for Thanos, high point earners at Cosmic Comics will receive bonuses at later IG events and possible additional prizes at the end of the IG series.

Cosmic Comics Infinity Guantlet Point Standings

Earn additional points by pre-registering for the tournament, liking Cosmic Comics! on Facebook and writing a recommendation!

Silver Age Defined

  • Stat Card era figures only
  • Modern Age 3D Objects only
  • ATAs are allowed
  • No Feats, BFCs, or Bystander Tokens
  • Highlander Rule in effect

2 thoughts on “Infinity Gauntlet Month 4 is Here!”

  1. Pingback: Massive Heroclix Tournament in Las Vegas.

  2. Pingback: Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas to Give Away Avengers (1963) #1 on FCBD!

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