February 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule, March 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule, April 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule

January 2014 HeroClix Tournament Schedule

Tournament Schedule for January

1/4: Clix 101: ATAs

400pt Modern Age Extended

Your force must contain an ATA that requires a minimum of two figures to use

The two figures can both be assigned the ATA, or one figure can be assigned the ATA and the other can be a Wildcard (if the ATA is copyable)

Examples: Checkmate, SHIELD


1/11: Keyword Team-Up

500pt Golden Age Theme Teams

Silver Age Tactics only

Choose two Named Keywords.  Both keywords are considered the same keyword for building purposes and when a power/trait references a keyword.

Min 200pts & 2 figures must come from each chosen keyword


Example: Secret Six & Suicide Squad

89 AN005 Deadshot – Secret Six

(Even though he has both keywords, he can only count for 1 of the 200pt minimums)

94 BB030 The Parademon – Secret Six

46 AN035 Ragdoll – Secret Six

25 CJ012 Parademon Warrior – Secret Six

96 SM028 Manchester Black – Suicide Squad

75 AA012 Amanda Waller – Suicide Squad

50 AA026 Nightshade – Suicide Squad

27 ATA023 Secret Six x7

(Is assigned to all figures because the Suicide Squad keyword is treated like the Secret Six keyword)



1/18: Clix 101: Horde Tokens

500pt Modern Age Extended

Min 150pts of your team must be Horde Tokens

Min 2 full stacks of Horde Tokens must be on your force


1/25 (8pm): Cosmic After Hours Presents: The Royal Rumble

The Road to Wrestlemania begins at Cosmic Comics with the annual HeroClix Royal Rumble.

All players enter the map one at a time Royal Rumble style until all have entered. It’s every man for himself and we play until there is one left standing and he is declared the winner of the Royal Rumble.

Players will select one figure that is a single base, non-duo, maximum 400pts, from any Golden Age set. Each entrant will be unique, so players should bring about 6 different options to choose from.

Scenario details are being updated for 2014 and will be posted soon.  Stay tuned for more information.

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