February 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule, March 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule, April 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule

July 2015 HeroClix Tournament Schedule at Cosmic

July 2015 Heroclix Tournament Schedule
7/4: Fourth of July!!!!
No Tournament Scheduled

7/11: Dick Grayson Monthly OP Kit
500pt Silver Age
The most expensive figure on your team must be named Nightwing or have real name Dick Grayson. This figure can be from Golden Age sets. This figure gains the following Trait:
A LEADER ON ANY TEAM: When you build your force, choose a friendly character’s keyword; Nightwing possesses that keyword for the rest of the game.
No Resources
No Entity Possession

7/18: Ant-Man Micro-Tournament Weekend
1 Exclusive Ant-Man ID Card will be awarded to the winner of each Micro-Tournament

7/25: Henderson Libraries Mini Con
No Tournament Scheduled

For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: www.wizkidseventsystem.com

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