before watchmen minutemen

Before Watchmen Minutemen getting excellent reviews!

Before Watchmen Minutemen Reviews

cosmic comics, before watchmen minutemen, before watchmanBefore Watchmen Minutemen #1 is getting some fantastic reviews!  Have you checked out this prequel series yet?  You should!!!

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this series. The original Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons had so many great characters. Every panel of the graphic novel had depth and was an important part of the overall story. So I started reading Before Watchmen Minutemen, written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke, with an open mind and no real expectations. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised! I loved the book so much I read it twice! I’m not very good at reviews (that job belongs to my buddy Burke at Nerd Farm Blog) so I won’t even try and I’d most likely give away to many spoilers if I did. I will say that I’m eagerly awaiting next weeks release of Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1 also written by Darwyn Cooke but drawn by Amanda Conner!

I know you all work hard for your money and sadly most people’s comic budget is limited. But trust me when I say, BUY THIS BOOK! You won’t regret it but don’t just take my word for it, check out these great reviews!

Burke Lant from Nerd Farm Blog says, “Minutemen #1 managed to come out with it’s own voice ready to be heard and loved by the masses

Joey Esposito over at IGN says, “Damn fine comic book work from one of the best cartoonists alive

Alex Zalben at MTV Geek says, “What makes this issue so brilliant is the emotional weight and context that Cooke brings to every panel and page

Greg McElhatton at CBR says, ” If you were looking forward to “Before Watchmen,” you’re probably going to feel like you just hit the jackpot.

David Pepose at Newsarama says, “Before Watchmen Minutemen #1 stands, surprisingly, on its own two feet

Spencer Perry at SuperHeroHype says, “If Before Watchmen Minutemen is representative of the quality of work that we will be getting from the rest of the series, then consider me signed up


watchmen, before watchmen, cosmic comicsDon’t forgot we have the original Watchmen graphic novel in both hardcover and softcover for 50% OFF!  So come down and #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics!


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3 thoughts on “Before Watchmen Minutemen getting excellent reviews!”

  1. Pingback: The Silk Spectre follows the highly reviewed Minutemen!

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