Heyo Cosmic Comics-ites! Fat Beard here from Fat Beard Studios to share some exciting AMC’s The Walking Dead news with ya and based on the success of last season’s viewing parties at various bars around Henderson and Las Vegas, I’m pretty sure several of you just can’t wait, but before I get into the Season 3 news that came out today, here’s a video that AMC’s YouTube Channel put out a couple month’s ago to get you all primed and ready:
The Cast Looks Ahead: Inside The Walking Dead
Now that we’re up to speed, let’s look at some of the new characters joining the show for Season 3. For those of you who are up on the comics, don’t ruin anything please, but for the rest of you… remember that bad-ass samurai sword wielding mystery (wo)man who saved Andrea (Laurie Holden) at the end of the season finale? Well, her name is Michonne and earlier today Entertainment Weekly announced that actress Danai Gurira will portray the role on the small screen when the series starts back up on AMC this October.
So who is Michonne?
Well, if you happened to get a copy of the April 2012 issue of Playboy (pictured to the left), then you got to read Robert Kirkman’s one-off comic, “Michonne’s Story,” and should know all about it or if you’re a faithful follower of The Walking Dead comic book, then you’ve read her first appearance in The Walking Dead Weekly #19 from Image Comics and have enjoyed her brand of carnage ever since; however, if you’re coming into this with no prior knowledge, then why ruin it? Just wait and see. The show’s writers have already shown that they’re not afraid to change things up from the comic book pages to the television screen, so her role for The Walking Dead television series is not necessarily set in stone.
In fact, in an EW Exclusive, Dalton Ross shared what executive producer and creator of The Walking Dead comic, Robert Kirkman (who I’ve been told I strike a remarkable resemblance to, at least if I buzzed the hair anyway), had to say about this:
“…like a lot of things on the show, there will be little tweaks and differences here and there. We saw that her introduction is slightly different from how it was in the comic, and her interaction with Andrea is really going to be a really cool addition to the character that I think will get television viewers up to speed, and they’ll get to know her a lot faster than comic book readers did.”
In addition to Michonne, it was announced back in February that David Morrissey was cast as The Governor for Season 3. In an article by Clark Collins on the Entertainment Weekly website, Robert Kirkman explains why he decided to cast yet another English actor for the role of The Governor:
“We were looking for David Morrissey is the answer to that. We were looking for that perfect guy and he turned out to be it. It was a long, grueling casting process but I think that after the success of cast members like Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan (who is Philadelphia-born, but in large part U.K.-raised) we have learned the value of a British actor. David Morrissey, more than any other actor we were looking at, came in and definitely understood the role, was excited about doing it justice, and was willing to take the heat of coming in and being such a well known, beloved character that people have expectations for. He’s looking forward to playing a villain, which is pretty exciting.”
You can read more about Michonne and get some insight on her possible future from The Walking Dead showrunner, Glen Mazzara, in this article on newsarama.com.
In the video below (released Monday, May 21, 2012) the cast of The Walking Dead give you a look behind the scenes of Season 3:
Cast on the Set of Season 3: Inside The Walking Dead
So what do you think so far? Are you excited for Season 3? Las Vegas locals, are you ready for more viewing parties? I’d love to read your comments on the article, the upcoming season, and any ideas and/or suggestions for the viewing parties.
Until next time, remember to #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics! in Las Vegas.
Can’t wait for the viewing parties to start back up. They were so much fun!
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