DC The New 52 Failures – Part II

tpull’s Corner


tpull takes a look at DC The New 52 1 year later

Check out part 1 here to see how it began.

More stories out of order

Superman, Action Comics, Grant MorrisonDC’s next new big plan with Superman in DC The New 52 was to kill off Clark Kent.  Legal reasons to do with the Siegel lawsuit, perhaps?  No way to tell.  But the irritating part is, you read Action Comics #10, and at the end is a backup story, with the editorial note telling you it takes place after the events of… Action Comics #11?!?

That’s right, comics fans, you’re supposed to either keep reading and ruin the entire plot of the next issue, or set it down and wait a freaking month to read six pages.  Anyone think this was a good idea?  Anyone?  Buehler?  Guess what, DC thought it was a  good idea, because they published it.  In Supergirl #12, Superman has already lost his satellite fortress, and we are looking at an arctic fortress.  We’re directed in editorial comments to go check out Action Comics #13 to find out why that is.  Action Comics #13 won’t be out for a week or two still.

Spelling errors

If you run a blog, a spelling error here or there might be excused.  Even the Washington Post has some in every paper.  The Washington Post prints thousands upon thousands of words.  An average comic book will have a maximum of 2,000 words, and that’s if it has the regular 20-page main story and a backup feature.  I’ve got at least one of DC The New 52 comics where they misspell the name of one of the super-heroines.  After it’s gone through the writer , artist, letter, assistant editor, hopefully spell-check… granted, I’m a picky person, but that’s pretty bad.  When you’re trying to put your best foot forward and prove to the world that you’re a world-class entertainer/storyteller, and please, oh please won’t you come check us out because we’re really really awesome… if you can’t spell your character names correctly in the first couple issues, I’m not going to pay money for that kind of quality control.  That title was cancelled from my pull list.

Tune in 2 days for Part III of DC The New 52 Failures: Continuity Changes

tpull is Travis Pullen. He started reading comics at 5 years old, and he can’t seem to stop.

#GetYourFix at Cosmic Comics!

5 thoughts on “DC The New 52 Failures – Part II”

  1. I met Richard Starking at the ComicCon sometime in the nineties. I ripped him and the whole Comicraft crew for their lack of attention to details. I even showed him one of the “X” title comics where they switched the dialog between two characters. His response was “that’s the way they gave it to me.” So he either missed the mistake or knowing the mistake printed the words anyways.

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