Free Comic Book Day 2014 Sales

Free Comic Book Day 2014 Sales

While we all look forward to the Free Comics and Fun Activities on Free Comic Book Day the event would not be complete without a Cosmic Comics Sale! We’ve been busy stocking our shelves with not only new comics, graphic novels, back issues, statues, toys and apparel but great new products from Funko, Vandor and USAopoly.  So be prepared to have fun shopping on Free Comic Book Day at Las Vegas’s largest comic book store, Cosmic Comics!

Back Issues 20% Off

Over 50,000 Back issues from 1940 to today will be 20% off. That’s all Silver Age Marvel and DC Comics. With massive runs from creators like, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Joe, Kubert, Jim Steranko, Dennis O’Niel, and Neal Adams to name a few. Don’t Forget the massive selection of current Back issues to from Icons like Frank Miller, Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Brian Micheal Bendis, Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker from every major publisher Marvel , DC, Image, Wildstorm, Vertigo, IDW, Valiant and More indies than you can name.

Trade Paper Backs, Hard Covers, Books and Graphic Novels 20% Off

Decades of reading material!
Decades of reading material!

The largest selection of collected volumes and graphic novels in the Las Vegas Valley will be on sale. Collected volumes from Marvel Comics collecting every major title X-Men, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Fantastic Four and more. Great over-size editions like DC Comics absolute editions for Watchmen, Planetary and the gem from Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely All Star Superman. Don’t forget the epic ground breaking series Preacher, 100 bullets or the Walking Dead. You could spend all day finding stories you never knew in our massive library of comics that will all be on sale for Free Comic Book Day.

The Awesome Front of the store 20% off

That's not a store! It's a warehouse!
That’s not a store! It’s a warehouse!

Want to show your pride for you comic love. Show of while hanging out around town or show your office whose the cool kid. All of our T-Shirts, Action Figures, POP Vinyl Figures, Kidrobot, Plushes, Gaming and more will be 20%off for Free Comic Book Day. You will never find a more widespread hive of pop culture and nerdery. It will all be on sale for your enjoyment.

Clearance 80%

Our large variety of clearance books will be on sale up to and some even over 80% off. You never know what you’ll find in our clearance section. Our Dollar Books will be  50 cents and our 50 cents books only a quarter!!   Cosmic Club Members will get an additional 10% off their normal Club Member discount Show up for the first hour of Free Comic Book Day and get a free gift with purchase along with these other great deals

3 thoughts on “Free Comic Book Day 2014 Sales”

  1. Pingback: Free Comic Book Day 2014 - Cosmic Comics!

  2. Pingback: 2014 Free Comic Book Day Comics from Cosmic Comics

  3. Pingback: FCBD2014 at Cosmic Comics is Free Fun for the Whole Family

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