Astonishing X Men #50 Announcement

Marvel Comics Makes Astonishing X Men #50 Announcement On ABC’s “The View”

Astonishing X Men #50 Announcement

That’s right folks, not the Internet News juggernaut The Huffington Post, not MTV Geek or Rolling Stone, not even got the jump on this news today (although, of course, they’ve all reported on it since). It was every dork’s favorite bartender, Guinan, who broke this news this morning on ABC’s “The View.” Yes, “The View”… because every comic book reading homosexual watches… wait a minute–They’re genuises!!! Don’t be too surprised by this though since Disney owns both ABC and Marvel.

Wow! Not even a minute long. Admittedly, I suffer from a condition known as eye-preferpucitis (something like glaucoma except not), so I have a problem seeing “The View” unless I smoke copious amounts of medication and when I do that I have a problem remembering things, so if they gave this more airtime than 60 seconds, please chime in below in the comments section.

That said, if all they gave this was 60 seconds of attention, what’s the fuss about? Also, WTF is up with getting married in the following issue? Not to steal any of my buddy Burke’s material, but who the hell plans a wedding that fast? Actually–forget it– it’s just… Burke’s article on this is just way too damn funny to not share an excerpt from it:

“But seriously though, they planned a wedding in one month, that’s 4 weeks. If anyone has ever planned a wedding, that shit aint easy, or cheap. Who knows, some special mutant maybe has like super wedding planning powers, he just sits in the shadows waiting until it’s time for a wedding and BOOM! out like a ninja with an adorable accent and connections like a Cuban drug lord.”
-Burke, Nerd Farm Blog

Astonishing X-Men #50 was actually available today, but for some reason no one let anyone know that until today… In fact, the web page the video above is from even says the comic comes out tomorrow, but comic book shops everywhere (including, of course, Cosmic Comics!) announced the title as being on sale today. If you didn’t make it by Cosmic Comics! in Las Vegas today, then be sure to swing by Cosmic Comics! tomorrow to #getyourfix!

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