The Avengers Movie Review by Cosmic Comics

The Avengers Movie Review by Cosmic Comics

The Avengers Movie Review by Cosmic Comics

The Avengers Movie Review by Cosmic Comics

I was lucky enough to get one of the highly anticipated, highly coveted The Avengers screening passes from the awesome guys over at Cosmic Comics! along with my good friend Danny from Fat Beard Studios, who invited me in the first place. :)  Now I will be the first to admit that even I worried about this movie living up to the extreme hype it has earned; I fully expected it to be another Captain America, Iron Man, or Thor movie and forget all about the ‘lesser known’ & ‘less worshipped’ characters. I was pleasantly shocked that they spotlight each and every character, providing a bit of back story and character development on everyone for those who may not be familiar with them (i.e kids, people who live under rocks?).

The Avengers go up against a force not of this world lead by the crafty, but veryyyyy cocky Loki. You are not going to want to leave for concessions or even for the restrooms. The action literally starts from the very beginning and leaves you gripping your seat in anticipation the entire time. It is by far the best comic book movie I have ever seen and considering the massive impatience I have for Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and my general obsession with all things Batman, I wouldn’t say such things lightly.

On top of the action scenes being riveting they literally bring each character’s personality as we’ve seen in the comics, to life. The jokes, the banter, and the cockiness you expect (and love) from certain ones. Some of my favorite things about the movie were random one liners that just screamed that specific individual. I would recommend that everyone see it, at least once. Old, young, comic world aware, or new to the scene, it will amuse and enthrall you. Don’t forget to stay after the credits too, the teaser scene will leave the comic savvy dripping with excitement!

Don’t forget to check out Cosmic Comics, Free Comic Book Day… May 5th. They will be raffling off an Avenger’s #1 & you can hang out with me while munching on free pizza, etc! :D

6 thoughts on “The Avengers Movie Review by Cosmic Comics”

  1. I like to see these reviews and different perspectives on the movie. I’m getting more excited to see it after reading these reviews. Thanks for providing your own thoughts on the movie.

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