March 2016 HeroClix Tournament Schedule
3/5: Battle Royal’s All Day Long
$12 for World’s Finest
$10 for all older sets
Snake draft figure pool
Cosmic will add additional prizes to pool
3/12: Las Vegas ROC Super Q Practice Session
300 Modern Limited
3/19: MeepleCon The Las Vegas Board Game Convention
No Tournament Scheduled
3/26: GAMMA SMASH Monthly OP Kit
600pt Golden Age
Players must field either:
A Hulkbusters, Intelligencia, or Offenders theme team with a Red Hulk
A Heroes for Hire or Lady Liberators theme team with a She-Hulk
A team composed entirely of characters from the Hulk Universe (both heroes & villains)
No Resources
No 2D Special Objects
NO Feats
No Possession
Participation Prize: Gamma Smash Monthly OP Kit
Prize distribution based on registration in the WES & final standings
NOTE: If a player doesn’t have the figure pool to construct a required team, please contact the judge
For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: