Jim Brocius
Comic Book Hoarder
MMMS Member Class of ’65
3-Time Marvel No-Prize Winner
Jolly Jim Brocius began reading comics in 1959. One September day in 1963 he read a comic book that was so good his brain began to scream “I GOTTA GET SOME MORE OF THESE!” Fifty plus years and a quarter of a million comics later his brain is still screaming.
He is a proud member of FOOM, the Merry Marvel Marching Society – class of 1965 and 1967 (later known as Marvelmania International), and the Comics History Mistake Hunters. He is a three-time recipient of the fabled Marvel Comics No-Prize and has twice appeared in the legendary Stan’s Soapbox. He claims to not want all the comic books in the world, but he does say that he’ll be happy with just one of each.
He feels that reality is far over-rated and insists that no worthwhile political opinion can be formed without being a regular reader of MAD Magazine. His misspent youth is apparently an ongoing project with no completion date in sight. He laughs three times a day as a matter of general principle.
Jim founded Cosmic Comics! in 1996 with his brother. He wanted to make a comic book shop in Las Vegas for comic book collectors and fans of the comic book art form.
Jim’s Favorite Superhero:
Super Rabbit
What Jim is Currently Reading:
- East of West
- Kill or be Killed
- Walking Dead
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