Avengers vs X-Men, Justice League, Dick Tracy

New Comics

Thor, Phoenix, Avenger vs X-MenMarvel is still riding high from the Avengers film. This week comes another episode in the Avengers vs X-Men story line. An epic battle between a God and a force of nature. Does Thor have the power to turn back the Phoenix before it comes to earth? See what the rest of the Avengers and X-Men are up to while this battle ensues make sure you pick up the AvX #2, Avengers #26, Avengers Academy #30 and Uncanny X-Men #12.

Also don’t forget there is another installment of Hulk Smash Avengers!


Justice League, Superman, Cyborg“The Villains Journey” starts with Justice League #9. Geoff Johns and Jim Lee introduce an all new foe for the Justice League. Don’t miss this issue  it even has a Shazam back -up story!

Night of the Owls continues its Gotham altering story in NIght #9 and Redhood and the Ouatlaws #9 this week.

the Secret Service, Mark Millar, Dave GibbonsFor you Mark Millar fans the next chapter of The Secret Service is out. If you haven’t started to read this story yet now is great time to start!

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