New Comics for September 12th, 2012
The Phoenix is hot, hot, hot

Avengers vs X-Men is nearing its end. Avengers vs X-Men #11 is sure to please with only 1 issue left in the summer blockbuster story. Brian Michael Bendis returns for this over sized issue. All the major players in the X-Men universe are not involved. We as readers will just have to wait for the final conclusion to see who comes out the other side.
Speak of forces of nature Thanos, the sure to be Marvel Studios villain, is back at his old tricks with the Infinity Gauntlet. Avengers Assemble is a fun book with a major focus on the Avengers film.
DC’s Zero month
DC new 52 continues with Zero month. This week we will see Batman, the Suicide Squad, Batman and Robin and a few other titles to get there #0 issue. It’s tuff to tell how important the Zero month will in DC’s future plans, but good writers make for good stories. Don’t forget to check out tpull’s look at the New 52.
DC still also has Before Watchmen pumping along. Before Watchmen has spawned another book this time on Moloch, which will see at some point later. This week the Comedian gets to shine in his third installment of Before Watchmen: Comedian #3. Brian Azzarello is doing a great job writing the character so far.
More Awesomeness
Few books and collections that need spot lighting this week. Manhattan Projects from Jonathan Hickman is a just a fun book. You should give it a shot this week issue #6 is new and ready for consumption. Punk Rock Jesus is new and its Punk Rock and Jesus you should read it just cause of that. New Love & Rockets from the Hernandez brothers.
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