New Comics September 19th, 2012
What we’re reading: where the Cosmic Crew talks about a few of the new comics they look forward to reading this week!
The Walking Dead
There is simple not enough good things to say about the Walking Dead comic book. Robert Kirkman has sucked every one of us into his Zombie World. With 101 issues already released you might think there is nowhere to go, but you’d be wrong. The Walking Dead continues to shock readers in its quality of story and events. The something to fear story line is wrapping up and the next chapter looks to be EPIC. With the Walking Dead TV show returning for its third season on October 14th, there is still time for you to catch up or up on to this Zombie infested ride.
DC Battles on
This week DC is Bat-family heavy with Zero issues. Batwoman #0 is a stand out. Batwoman has been a great book since the character was re-introduced in Detective Comics. The art work is eye-catching and the stories are extremely well written. Batwoman is an un-sung hero in DC’s attempt to be more diverse.
If you like old Batman comics than you will enjoy Nite Owl from J. Michael Straczynski. Before Watchmen: Nite Owl is a fun revisit to the classic character.
In Bendis We Trust
3 of Marvel’s new comics are written by Brain Michael Bendis. Avengers #30 deals with more Avengers vs X-Men chaos. Spider-Men wraps up the Ultimate and Amazing Crossover in issue 5 and Ultimate Spider-Man #15 is part of the divided we fall story line. Bendis seems to be wrap things up before his move to X-Men in the Marvel NOW relaunch, but still great fun stories as usual from him.