Batman, Heroclix, Comic Books

New This Week – April 11th, 2012

Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers Assemble, Batgirl

Happy New Comic Book Day all! Are you stuck at work just counting down the minutes until 5 o’clock so you can come #getyourfix here at the shop? Well, worry not faithful followers! Here’s a little taste of what’s in store for you when you make it down to the shop!

As you can see above, in addition to the HUGE 30% OFF sale that started today, we have all sorts of new items in this week to satisfy your comic cravings! New variants, new hardcovers, and new Heroclix!

Speaking of Heroclix, don’t forget about the Heroclix Galactic Guardians After Hours Release Party tonight! Don’t forget that a select few from tonight’s tournament will get a raffle ticket for the FCBD contest where one lucky winner will get the original Avengers #1!

Thanks for visiting our new website by Fat Beard Studios and we’ll see you at the shop real soon!

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