October 2014 Heroclix Tournament Schedule
10/4: WizKids Open in San Diego
No Tournament Scheduled
10/11: Gen13 2014 Monthly OP Kit
500pt Modern Age
DC Universe Only
You force must have two figures on it from the Wildstorm Universe
No Resources
No Team Bases
No Entities
10/18: Battle for the Zombies Team Base
600pt Modern Extended
300pts of you force has to posess the Monster Keyword, min two figures
All figures possessing the Monster keyword gain the Zombie Infection trait
No Resources
No Team Bases
No Colossals
No Entities
Entry Fee = 1 GF Booster
ZOMBIE INFECTION: When this character damages an opposing character, give that character a Virus token if it has less than 5 Virus tokens. When an opposing character is KO’d by this character, you may add it to your force, turn to its first KO click, remove all of its Virus tokens and heal it that many clicks.
10/25: Halloween ComicFest
No Tournament Scheduled
For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: www.wizkidseventsystem.com