Synopsis for “The Eye of Metropolis”
Perry White sends Clark Kent to appear on the show “The Eye of Metropolis”, a show hosted by John Bates, it’s popular for it’s celebrity guests who are questioned by Bates. Perry sends Clark to go on the show because it could be good publicity for the Daily Planet. When Clark appears on the set, he decides to use his x-ray vision to try and see what sort of questions John Bates will be asking and is shocked to find that the notebook with the questions are lined with lead, leading Clark to suspect that John Bates may have deduced Superman’s secret identity.
As the show begins, Bates presents a series of filmed and photographed events around Clark Kent that would implicate him of being Superman. With each story, Clark is able to explain to himself to John Bates: How when he fell into a volcano, Superman instantly appeared and Kent surfaced unharmed, Clark explained that Superman “saved” him at super-speed. When Bates shows a photo of Clark Kent being shot by a thief on the set of a movie studio, Clark explains that the bullets in the gun were blanks, by boldly shooting himself in the chest with the very same gun on camera (changing the bullets with blanks at super-speed.) Later he explains how he was able to get a story about Superman foiling a prison break during a horrible storm that knocked out the telephone lines by communicating to Perry White from the prison using it’s beacon to send the story via mores code.
As a final attempt at exposing Clark Kent as Superman, Bates has Clark strapped to a lie detector machine and has him answer questions. When Clark is asked the question “Do you have super-powers” he opens a special lead lined compartment in his watch that contains a tiny grain of Kryptonite, this causes Clark to lose his super-powers briefly to answer the question truthfully. Upping the ante, John has Clark’s eyes and mouth covered with devices that would block out Superman’s x-ray vision and super breath and has him ask the most important at all “Are you really Superman?” When Clark answers no, the machine states he wasn’t lying. Clark had beat the machine, by moving his hands to generate cold air to temporarily free the lie detectors needle. Convinced that Clark Kent isn’t Superman, John Bates thanks him for being on the show.
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