Synopsis for “The War Between Jimmy Olsen and Superman!”
Superman takes Jimmy Olsen to his Fortress of Solitude in order to show him some of his latest discoveries, including a Venusian Chameleon Jewel, and the Bottle City of Kandor before returning him back to Metropolis so that he can write the story. Changing back into Clark Kent, Superman and Jimmy are summoned to court to provide testimony against the Double-X Gang, and the police have come to take them into protective custody for three days. Everyone is shocked when Jimmy suddenly decides he wants no part of being in protective custody and breaks the doors off the patty wagon in a feat of super-strength and flees.
Realizing that Jimmy has some how gained super-powers similar to his own, Clark changes into Superman and tries to talk Jimmy into going back to the Fortress of Solitude, however this does not work and Jimmy — suddenly taking on a mean-streak, denounces the Man of Steel and goes off to cause various disasters, and destroying monuments to Superman. Superman tries to reason with Jimmy after he destroys a military base. Trying to prove the to the lad that he can’t be all that bad, otherwise he would have killed Superman with some Kryptonite he helped Superman dispose of. This in turn, makes Jimmy go after this Kryptonite chunk and (with giant lead clamps to carry it at a safe distance) goes after the Man of Steel.
Chasing Superman all the way to his Fortress of Solitude, however Superman had deduced that this person was not Jimmy Olsen, but an impostor. He had made the fake Kryptonite to fool him and lead him back to the Fortress of Solitude, exposing himself. Revealed as a Kandorian criminal known as El Gar-Kur, who used a machine to switch places with Jimmy due to their close resemblance. As Superman stops him from smashing the city of Kandor, the Kandorian police manage to use El Gar-Kur’s device to swap Jimmy back with the criminal. With the real Jimmy freed from Kandor, El Gar-Kur is taken into custody. Superman uses this experience to explain to Jimmy why the location of his Fortress of Solitude must remain a secret.
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