Synopsis for “Mourning Prey / Interim I: Creation / Interim II: Metamorphosis / Interim III: Migration”
Okefenokee Swamp, Florida, January 2020: Killraven and his “Freemen” have been traveling through the Okefenokee Swamp. When K.R. accidentally kills the “cocooned” children of a butterfly/human hybrid named Mourning Prey, an altercation occurs between Prey and the Freemen. During the conflict the group splits up.
Eventually, K.R. and M’Shulla regroup. They find the others in the company of Ms. Prey, with Old Skull informing her that the death of her children was an accident. With the misunderstanding sorted out, Killraven and his band make peace with the being, and she flies away with the “fliers” that did hatch.
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