Synopsis for “Spider, Spider, Burning Bright!”
Continued from last issue.. Spider-Man is dropped in a vat of oil which is lit on fire by the White Dragon. Spider-Man sinks to the bottom and covers himself with webbing before jumping through the flames. Spider-Man then swings himself to the nearby river to put himself out, allowing the White Dragon and the Dragon Lords to escape. Finding Philip Chang unharmed, Philip explains to him that when in Hong Kong he was involved in gang activity, but a near death experience convinced him to change his criminal ways and come to America and make a good living.
Spider-Man agrees to help Philip defeat the White Dragon, and uses the spider-tracer he tagged the White Dragon with to track him down. Trapping the White Dragon and the Dragon Lords gang between giant webs, Spider-Man battles the White Dragon one-on-one and easily defeats him. The defeated White Dragon is then strung up on the giant web for the police to handle.
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