Synopsis for “Back to the Savage Land”
The Petrified Man Tells Ka-Zar his origin story:
500 years ago, he was a sailor, and his ship crashed. He was the only one to survive, and he washed ashore in the Savage Land. While there he was drawn to a strange idol. In front of the idle, there was a goblet of water, which he drank thirstily. The Sun-Tribe, who worshiped the idol, drove him away with spears, but it was too late. The liquid he drank had changed him, made him immortal, and slowly, his body turned to living Stone.
Now the Petrified Man is having visions of War in the Savage land, and is asking Ka-Zar to take him back there. Once they have returned, they meet up with Tongah, who’s family and tribe have been killed by the Sun-Tribe. Ka-Zar swears to put a stop to the Sun-Tribe’s War.
Continued next issue…
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