Synopsis for “The Destiny Hunt!”
Iron Man recounts the last few issues to Starhawk, who agrees to help him look for the Enemy. Moondragon meditates, and think she has a piece of the puzzle. On her way to discuss it with the others, she encounters Quicksilver arguing with Hawkeye about the propriety of Wanda and Vision’s marriage, and Moondragon pre-emptorily alters Quicksilver’s mind to free him of this prejudice. Moondragon summons the Avengers mentally.
Elsewhere, Wasp and Yellowjacket are listening to the ants, who tell them about an unusual storm (1), which they claim was psychic in nature! Others also start picking up slight clues, and then all are called back to Avengers Mansion.
Iron Man feeds the clues into a computer, and they determine the disturbances are coming from… Forest Hills? Not able to use a Quinjet, they commandeer a bus. Thirty-three minutes later they arrive to the consternation of the local home-owners. Michael answers the door, and allows the Avengers in. However, Starhawk fails to perceive Michael, and finally demands the Avengers explain why they’re playing tricks on him. Suddenly it dawns on everyone that Michael is not who he appears… and saddened by the necessity, Michael declares that for their meddling the Avengers must die!
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