Synopsis for “The Terrible Toll of the Taskmaster”
The captive Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Ant-Man are amazed as the Taskmaster, easily dispatching a squad of his armed henchmen, demonstrates his “photographic reflexes,” a talent which enables him to duplicate any physical action exactly after seeing it performed once. Having used this ability to mimic the prowess of such costumed heroes as Captain America, Daredevil, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and Iron Fist, he has become a formidable combatant. The Taskmaster has successfully set up and operated a series of criminal training academies in recent years, only to have Dr. Solomon’s private plans involve the Avengers. Solomon is dealt with, fatally, at which point the Avengers announce their arrival by smashing through a wall. A brief battle results in the defeat of Taskmaster’s men, while Selbe frees his three captives. The Taskmaster’s “borrowed” talents serve him in good stead against the individual Avengers, but he is unable to best Jocasta, with whose powers he is unfamiliar. Finally, blinding the heroes with a magnesium flare, he escapes in his high-powered personal aircraft.
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