Synopsis for “The Space Phantom”
The Avengers are having a meeting in Stark’s library when the Space Phantom lands on Earth and assumes the figure of a random civilian and proceeds to enter Stark’s mansion.The Hulk proceeds to investigate but the Space Phantom takes his form, and then proceeds to fight among The Avengers. He then leaves and meets up with Rick Jones who is suspicious of the ‘Hulk’, and so The Space Phantom reveals his true identity and abandons Rick.
The ‘Hulk’ the destroys a new gun that Tony Stark had just invented, triggering the device in the process and causing Tony to suit up as Iron Man and proceed to fight. However the The Space Phantom changes into a Wasp without Iron Man realizing with the Hulk reappearing and Iron Man fighting the real Hulk.
Meanwhile Rick Jones finds a member of his Teen Brigade and proceeds to call Giant Man and The Wasp and explain what has happened to his teammate.
Giant Man finds Iron Man and The Hulk fighting and separates them. But the Space Phantom as a wasp attacks The Wasp, who alerts Giant Man of the danger via his cybernetic helmet. They then head to Stark’s factory where The Space Phantom impersonates Giant Man. However this change is observed by The Wasp and Hulk, who proceed to battle ‘Giant Man’. In the process one of Stark’s Inventions temporarily stuns Iron Man and The Phantom then turns into Iron Man, again The Hulk sees this change and prepares to battle.
Meanwhile, The Wasp goes to see Don Blake in order to contact Thor. Both return to find The Hulk and Giant Man being trapped by Iron Man’s air jets. So The Wasp enters Iron Man’s suit and shuts off the Air Jets, while Thor throws his Hammer, which Iron Man repulses, so Thor unleashes the elements upon him, causing the suit to rust, so The Space Phantom attempts to impersonate Thor. However,the Space Phantom is cast into Limbo, as immortal beings cannot be assumed.
Hulk then leaves the Avengers because he feels they dislike him.
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