Synopsis for “More Than Inhuman! / Part Two: 1971: A Space Odyssey / Part Three: Behold the Mandroids!”
Continuing from last issue… The Avengers now have three Skrulls as their captives at Avengers Mansion, and while reporting the incident to Mr. Fantastic, they realize that the Vision is missing. The Vision has followed after the Skrull ship that escaped the Avengers, and has stowed away aboard the craft. Inside, the Super Skrull is holding Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Captain Marvel hostage and plans to deliver them to the Skrull Emperor, however not before destroying another obstacle in their way of domination: The Hidden City of the Inhumans. Although the Vision interferes with this attempt, the Hidden City has defenses that protect it from the Super Skrulls attack. Realizing that his powers are no match for the Super Skrull, the Vision leaves so as not to risk the lives of those he plans to save. Taken back to the Skrull home world, the Super Skrull arrives and fights his way to the throne room of the Emperor to deliver his prisoners. There they force Mar-Vell to agree to build an Omni-Wave device for them when they threaten to destroy Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Mar-Vell agrees and the two mutants are spared.
Meanwhile back on Earth, the Avengers are figuring out their next course of action when they are tipped off by Nick Fury of an impending attack, just then H. Warren Craddock arrives with an army of Mandroids to capture the Avengers. As the Avengers battle against these humans in suits of high tech armor, Triton of the Inhumans crawls out of a manhole, apparently arriving on some important mission…
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