Synopsis for “The Madness Maze”
Captain America, Gabe, and Peggy gather round the comatose Falcon, when Cap is suddenly whisked away by a mysterious flying craft and deposited in a giant maze. A booming voice welcomes Cap to the Madness Maze, telling him that when he reaches the maze’s center he’ll die. As Cap moves through the maze he is attacked by a trio of artificial creatures that he carves up with his shield. Cap works through the labyrinth and is followed by a shadowy figure. The walls seemingly move on their own, shepherding Cap in a specific direction and almost dropping him in a vat of acid. Nearing the maze’s center, Cap is attacked by his pursuer who grabs Cap’s wrist, burning his glove, before escaping. Captain America is attacked by flying robots, which he quickly destroys. Cap enters a large laboratory filled with robed acolytes who attack him. Cap is eventually knocked unconscious by an electric jolt. Cap awakens in the Arena of the Ancients, surrounded by large geometric shapes. Druid, surrounded by his acolytes, announces his presence and heralds the arrival of the Alchemoid.
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