Synopsis for “Druid War”
Captain America fights Alchemoid, just barely keeping ahead of his attacks, while Druid and his acolytes watch. Meanwhile, Sam Wilson hallucinates in a SHIELD hospital. Leila Taylor is brought in for SHIELD questioning to Gabe and Peggy’s bewilderment. Cap deduces the large geometric shapes surrounding the battleground are powering Alchemoid and destroys enough ol them to cause Alchemoid to self-destruct. Meanwhile, Gabe and Peggy approach SHIELD field operations co-director Jeff Cochren over his handling of Falcon as Val Fontaine and Eric Koenig close in on Druid’s location. Cap turns his attentions on Druid, angered over Druid’s lack of concern for Alchemoid’s death. Druid attacks with his alchemy cylinders but Cap plows through Druid and his men. Just as Cap defeats Druid, the villain is whisked away by his ship and escapes. A SHIELD task force arrives and helps Cap corral Druid’s acolytes. Angry and tired, Cap’s only concern is to get some rest and a ride to Falcon’s side.
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